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---===<<< Universal DataBank >>>===---
By: John A. Reder 1996
Section I Overview
Section II Searching for records
Section III Database reporting
Section IV Adding and updating database records
Section V Database configuration
Section VI Technical notes (the database .set file)
Section VII Importing Data
Section VIII Associated files & programs
Section IX Command Line Options
-------- S E C T I O N O N E -----------
Databank is designed to allow a user to setup and configure a database
quickly without having to poor through volumes of text and learning complex
and confusing database applications.
The Registered version can support up to 500 databases and each database can
be setup with up to 31 fields and have up to 10000 records. The database reserves
50 characters for each field but the set file will allow you to accept any number
from 1 to 50 from the data input screens. The length of a field can be changed
to any number between 1 and 50 at any time after the database has been populated.
Note the 31st field if used has a hard coded standard size of 255 characters.
Field 31 is for a long text entry if desired. The field names can also be changed
but whatever information appears in the text box to the right of the field name
will remain the same unless you update the records manually.
The view data options allow you to run reports on the database using (rededit.exe)
or any viewer that you choose in the database setup and print them out or save
it as a separate text file if necessary. You may also use the rededit editor as a
stand alone program.
< The Database Selection Screen >
Use this screen to select the database that you need to use by double clicking on
the database name or clicking on the select database button. You also have the
option to Change Database setup or New Database Setup (see database setup).
< The Database Search & Update screen >
This screen allows you to research and update the database information.
< Database View Output screen >
This screen is what you see when you choose to view contents of list button.
If you are using the rededit.exe as the viewer note the print and print setup
-------- S E C T I O N T W O -----------
< To find a specific record: >
Method One:
Once in the database search and update screen use the list to the left to
locate the listed data elements that pertain to the record that you want to
locate and click on the element that matches the record that you want to find.
Method Two:
Click on a field that pertains to the data element that you want to look for
then click on the Display List by current active field button. Then use method
one to locate the specific element that you are looking for.
Method Three:
Enter a line of text or a keyword to search for in the box below the List
entries using the below search string button and then press that button. Use
methods one and two to refine your search. Note: The highlighted list element
is placed in the search string box if you wish to single out one record.
Note: Selected Records in the list box display their contents to the right.
-------- S E C T I O N T H R E E -----------
< To Report on the database: >
Use methods listed above to display in the list the data elements you wish
to report on. Once you have the records listed that you want to view click
on the View Contents of List button. You will be presented with a list of
fields, turn on the fields that you wish to view in your report noting the
columns used indicator at the bottom and then click the View selected Fields
from List button. This will present you with the view database output screen.
-------- S E C T I O N F O U R -----------
< To add a database record: >
Click the clear fields to create new entry button. Input the required and
optional fields that need to be populated with the data that you wish to appear
in that record. Then click the Update database button. Note that you have two
input screens containing up to 15 fields each.
< To Update a database record: >
Select the record that you want to update using the search methods listed above
and click on its element in the list to display the records contents to the right.
Update the fields that need changing and then click the Update Database button
to finish.
Note: Pressing the F1 key in a Field will give you a pick list of available options
if they have been set in the database setup.
-------- S E C T I O N F I V E -----------
< The Database Configuration Screen >
This screen allows you to design a database. This utility will create the
database set file for you and populate its parameters. (See (.set) file contents
under the technical notes section.)
To create or modify a database:
If you are creating a new database you will need to provide a new set file name the name
must end with the extension ".set".
Once in the configuration screen:
You'll need to provide a database file name, title bar text, database name, the form
names which will appear on the three buttons at the top of each form. Also you will
need to provide a log file name along with selecting the option to save changes to
the log file if you wish.
Each field that you intend to use must have a name (example: UserID) if you wish
to have a pick list (F1 Key) for that field then you must supply the list
information separated by a pipe "|" symbol (example: UserID|Data Processor|Temp|Manager).
Note that the item in the pick list will become the default for that field when
it is initialized in the example just given the default for that field would
be Data Processor. If the default is the word time or the word date then the
field will be populated with the systems date or time.
Special Field Functions:
If a field has a pipe symbol and one of the following keywords ate listed the
field can do some extra functions.
math: Use this to calculate fields for total and other fields. This command
is executed when the field looses focus. Up to 10 Fields can be calculated
on in any one formula.
math (field_number) = (field_number) [+,-,*,/] (field_number) [+,-,*,/] ...
example: Any Field Name|math 5 = 1 + 2 * 3 / 4
dblink: Links to other database fields. Use this to gather data from other
databases and populate fields in the current database. Up to
five DB links can be triggered from one fields input.
dblink (Update_field) (database_to_search) (search_field) (send_field), ...
example: Any Field Name|dblink 6 parts.db 1 3, 7 parts.db 1 2
This will update field 6 with field 3 of the parts database searching
on field 1 using the data just input in this field. This will
also update field 7 with the contents of field 2 in the parts database
searching again on field 1 of the parts database using the data just
provided in the field with this dblink command.
show_total: placing this after a pipe symbol after a field name will cause
the report output data to tally this column and display the total at
the bottom of the column.
example: Any Field Name|show_total
Note: Using the Pipe symbol after a filed name will allow you to create
Pick Lists, Do math functions, Link to other Databases or Total the
numerical contents of a database column in a report! But, you can
not mix these funtions on any one field.
Field Number
Form 1 (15 possible Fields) Form 2 (15 Possible Fields)
1 16
2 17
3 18
4 19
5 20
6 21
7 22
8 23
9 24
10 25
11 26
12 27
13 28
14 29
15 30
Form 3(Sorry Form 3 contains a text only field that cannot use the pipe commands)
The field name length must be 20 characters or less if the field length is longer the
software will strip off every character after character 20 and place them into the field
as the default field value.
Each field that you use must have its maximum size set and weather or not it is a required
field. Required fields will prompt the user if the field is left blank for more input.
<Field auto formats>
Fields with the word "price", "$" or "cost" in the field name will be saved as a dollar
value (example: the user inputs 10 the field will be saved as $10.00)
Fields with the word "date" in the field name will be saved in this format (dd-mmm-yy)
(example: the user inputs 6/18/96 the field will be saved as 18-Jun-96)
Fields with the word "time" in the field name will be saved in this format (hh:mm)
(example: the user inputs 7:13pm the field will be saved as 19:13)
This helps keep records uniform so you can have easier searches.
-------- S E C T I O N S I X -----------
< Technical Notes and Other Features >
The (.SET) file contents:
Each database screen appearance is configured by the .set file located in the
same directory of the databank.exe file.
This configuration file defines the field size (two characters, 50 characters
max field size) ,Field Name (20 characters max) and then any pick list data separated by
a pipe "|" symbol. An equals sign (=) means that the field is optional and a (*) means
that the field is required and will prompt the user if they try to leave it blank.
dataline01*10User ID|Data Processor|Temp|Manager
dataline02*02User Type
dataline03*12User SSN
dataline04*50Name (Last, First)
dataline07*02Status Code|01|17|08|09|99
dataline08*09Date Started
dataline09=09Creation Date|date
dataline10=09Date Ended
< Other configuration elements: >
titlebar=User Database
Log File:
╖ The log=on option turns on update logging. This feature stores all changes
and entries to the database in the databank.log file. This file is a pipe
delimited text file that can be imported into software packages (text editors,
spread sheets and databases for reporting and research purposes. You can use
this log file to track the history of a record.
╖ logfile= this is the name of the databases log file.
Other Options:
╖ titlebar= is to set the text in the application titlebar.
╖ form1= & form2= & form3= sets the text in the two buttons that toggle the
forms (Form 1&2 contain up to 15 fields each, form 3 is the long text field).
If the syntax form1=off this will disable the form).
╖ dbfile= this is the name of the database file.
╖ dbname= this is the text that you want to appear in the database select screen.
╖ textfiled1= this is the title of the 255 character text field in form 3.
-------- S E C T I O N S E V E N -----------
< Importing Data: >
Select Import Data from the Database selection screen.
Enter the name of the text file to import and include it's path.
Enter the delimiter character used in the text file to separate the fields.
Import File will import data into a new database file using each line
as a record. Each field will be read in sequence as Field 1, Field 2
Field 3, ...to... Field 31.
Example import text file: (with tilde ~ delimiter)
This file when imported will by default go into a file named Import.db,
You will need to rename this file and rename the import.set file as well.
Dont forget to change the database setup to look for the new database file
-------- S E C T I O N E I G H T -----------
< Report Files: >
When you select view database contents this utility will create a file called
databank.txt. This file is then passed to an external program like rededit.exe or
whatever viewer you specify in the database setup file for display. This viewer
may be changed in the database setup screen. Come spread sheet programs require
you to highlight the imported columns and select text to columns type option.
Then you must select the delimited option and use the Pipe ô|ö symbol as the field
This is the text viewer and editor used by the universal Database tool. This
file also requires the commdlg.dll file to run.
To wipe out the database and start with a new one:
Delete the database file in the directory of the database you want to kill. This
file name is specified in that databases setup. If you wish to remove the entire
database and its configuration then you will need to also delete the databases
associated set file.
-------- S E C T I O N N I N E -----------
< Command Line Options: >
The command line can be used to launch databases directly, bypassing the
database selection screen.
databank.exe (database_set_file_name) [view]
(database_set_file_name) = the name of the set file to use ex: address.set
[view] = optional. This only allows the user to view the database. No changes
can be made to the database in this mode.
example command line:
databank.exe address.set view